On 10/7/22 MACES Debate went into its very first debate tournament, which is also MACES first debate tournament. Those who went were Juliana Martinez , Jaime Olguin, Fernanda Lopez , Eveleen Flores, Diego Guzman, Ana De Paz, Abraham Esquivel, Isabel Cantoran , Amy Chan, all seniors, and this reporter for the Wolfpack Times, Diego Andrade, a junior also competed.
Martinez and Olguin started the debate class this year. “I started debate at MaCES \after participating in a couple APUSH debates. I thought it was a fun activity that helped voice my opinions and I wanted the same for others to feel at MACES,” Martinez said. Martinez went on to explain how it helped her get out of her comfort zone.
Martinez and Olguin participated in the “Novice” division of the tournament and were able to make it all the way to semifinals. “Debate is honestly so friendly despite what it may seem. Everybody is there to cheer you on,” Martinez said.
Israel Bautista is the APUSH teacher and the advisor for the Debate class.“I don’t think the 1st tournament isn’t about winning, but more so gaining experience.”
When asked who he believes is the “Rising Star” he pointed towards Fernanda Lopez. She joined Debate as a means to improve her speaking skills. She decided to join Debate as it would look promising on her transcript. “I wanted to join something that I would like for my final year at this school. Since I enjoyed the Debate Camp, I felt that this elective would be a great opportunity.”
Another Debater had some words to say about the tournament. “We’re going in blind, We don’t even know what POV we would be arguing for,” Esquivel, a senior, said. He finds the tournament “nerve wracking” but has found ways to counter it and be prepared for the tournament. “If you become the opponent not only do you find the flaws in your argument, but it helps polish and improve it,” Esquivel said.
He decided to choose debate as one of his last courses of his final school year as he wanted to learn new experiences that may help his self development but also he finds that class “Laidback” and “easy going”. “I had the benefit of going up against more experienced debaters in spar debates and also observing them to better improve my skills.”
They went on to Secure 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th individual speakers in the Rookie Division and 2nd place team also in the Rookie Division.