MACES Students Mean Business
June 10, 2020
Dreaming big is a familiar concept to some MACES students. They work hard towards their ambitions to become successful members of society. Those students follow their dreams by bulking up resumes with after school jobs, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, extraordinary GPAs, and test scores. Other students take the path less followed and become young entrepreneurs.
These entrepreneurs have decided to work hard towards their goals by taking their first steps in the business world as young entrepreneurs. Becoming young entrepreneurs means these students can gain first-hand experience in what it’s like to create, run, and promote a business.

Andres Gonzalez, Matthew Sanabria, and Edwin Meza are talented student musicians who have created a business where they provide live music at parties and social gatherings. Their business goes by the name of Grupo Sinnombre and @grupo_sinnombre on Instagram. What makes this business so special is that these young men started and developed it, all the while staying involved with school work and extracurriculars like marching band and soccer.
In becoming young entrepreneurs they’ve learned valuable life lessons; they plan on taking into adulthood. “Starting a business has changed the way we view life because now we know where hard work and dedication can get you,” sophomore and entrepreneur, Matthew Sanabria said.
These young musicians care deeply about their music, performances, and customers. “ Becoming an entrepreneur at such a young age means a lot to us because it gives us the opportunity to help out our families and invest in our futures…we’re proud of ourselves and satisfied that we’re able to provide entertainment to our client,” Edwin Meza, a junior, said.
Jamie Cardona is a junior at MACES who created her small business by selling beauty products including faux eyelashes and lash glue through social media platforms like Instagram @jlashes4_“I take advantage of social media to promote my items virtually. My friends and clients also give me credit for selling quality items,” Cardona said. She believes that in becoming a young business owner she will gain valuable experiences that will help her in the future as she goes on new business endeavors.
In becoming a young entrepreneur she has learned to become a business owner who understands the value of her time and dedication. “I created my business to gain experience in owning, running and promoting it. Take that experience and knowledge and put it into creating a bigger business, but my main goal is to do what I love and I love being an entrepreneur,” Cardona said.
Kate De La Torre is another young entrepreneur at MACES. She makes creative and unique pieces of art such as portraits, sculptures, collages, prints, shoe customizations, etc. Other artists and fans follow her journey as an artist and young entrepreneur on her Instagram @katluiart and youtube @katlui where she promotes and sells her amazing artwork.
To De La Torre, being an entrepreneur means more than creating a business and making money. She believes that a true entrepreneur will work hard to create their best work and gain the love, support, and appreciation of others while doing so. “I think it means taking what you can do, showing it to the world, and gaining support from people you don’t know but still appreciate what you do and will support you whether it’s buying your art or liking a picture,” De La Torre said.
A goal she has for herself and her business is to one day be able to make a living off her artwork, she’s already gained quite a following on her social media platforms while promoting her product. “When I make a sale I feel extremely satisfied and loved. It’s like I’m not that popular, but the fact that people are invested in my work makes me feel like I have the potential and motivates me to work harder,” De La Torre said.