MACES Announces Class of 2020 Co-Valedictorian Angela Diaz
June 12, 2020
Today Angela Diaz will be celebrated as the Class of 2020 Co-Valedictorian! “I don’t believe being valedictorian defines who you are, but I do think it gives you a sense of accomplishment. A sense of being able to reach what you thought was once impossible,” said Diaz. However balancing sports and a social life while maintaining good grades wasn’t always easy. Diaz made sure to not waste any time and when possible got her assignments done during class. She also believes that it is important to take a break when you realize that you are being stretched too thin. Diaz had a goal to make her future self proud and that mindset will carry over to USC this fall!
Angela’s advice to her underclassmen:
“They say senior year is the easiest, and although the workload may feel easier, it is still one of the most stressful times. You have to take advantage of your free time and get as much as you can out of it. You are used to a routine, homework and sports, but this year you are adding on college applications. Keeping an agenda always helps, you can set smaller deadlines for yourself to ensure you’re on track. Procrastination can really hurt you in the long run.
In terms of college applications, I would recommend doing as much as you can and start developing a list of schools if you haven’t already. Once that is done, you can start working on your personal statements and personal insight questions. You don’t have to finish them during the summer, but it does at least help to know the direction you’re heading towards or want to. As for your senior year, as stressful as it may be, do not forget to have fun. It really does go by within the blink of an eye.”