A Break that was Needed
Downtown, Los Angeles, with a beautiful background of the snowy mountains.
December 23, 2020
This year has been a pretty stressful year for seniors applying to college. Many seniors days have been made up of homework, practicing for finals, and writing college applications. Winter break is here and seniors are ready for the mental break from the stress. Even though Covid is around, students are still finding ways to be safe and productive.
“I’m going to use this time to practice self-care to feel better as a person,” Carlos Diaz, a senior said. Some people need breaks to focus on themselves and focus on their mental health. “My only plans are to stay home, sleep, workout, and play video games,” Kevin Galvez, a senior said. Galvez is going to better himself physically and mentally over the break, he knows there’s only three weeks off and is not going to let it pass without improving.
“With the time off I am going to be working, I plan on spending more time with my family, and take a mental break from online school,” Ali Saleh, a senior said. Saleh is going to be using his time wisely because he is going to be improving every aspect of what is important to him. “I’m going to use this time to de-stress by working out and staying in shape because when I do that I feel productive and feel good,” Galvez said. He has found some hobbies for himself to help deal with stress; and for him, it’s working out.
During this break some students find a hobby that they enjoy to do while being safe and in quarantine. You can meditate, workout, dance, anything that you enjoy to do. For these students, they workout, spend time with family, and most importantly work on their mental health. “We all should stay in if it’s not necessary to go out so this quarantine can finally come to an end.” Kevin Galvez, a senior said.