What Goes on in the Dance Room?
Students and Teachers thoughts on Dance

March 9, 2022
Dance can be for anyone no matter the age or gender. Dance is an elective class here at MACES for high school students. Currently there is a Level 1 Dance Class for beginners and it includes Hip-Hop, Jazz, Ballet, and World Dance. Level 2 Dance Class is being added next school year, 2022-2023, for advanced beginners according to Ms. Bhavika, the dance teacher.
It is Ms.Bhavika’s 2nd year of teaching dance in this school. She started dancing when she was 12 years old and became passionate about it. “The best part of teaching dance is seeing young kids move in ways they never have, and actually surprise themselves. The ultimate best moments are the ones when the students surprise me out of nowhere and I end up in tears,” Ms. Bhavika said.
There are many benefits that come with dancing. It improves balance and strength, as well as better mental and physical health. “I highly recommend dancing to others. To students I tell them that it’s a great break to have within their busy academic schedule. It can be a little challenging at times, but the end results are always worth it. It’s refreshing to do something that involves movement, music, and socializing with friends,” Ms.Bhavika said. With many AP classes, homework, tests, and quizzes; it is important to take time for yourself and dancing is a great way to take a break from the world.
The dance room is as busy as any other class here at school. Many people worry about being judged or made fun of when dancing, but with a friendly environment in the dance room, dancers feel free and comfortable. “It is very organized, there is a routine we go through every class and all our things go to the side so we have a lot of free space to move around. There is also a really nice environment in the dance classroom. I feel that no one would judge anyone for any reason, and we can learn without having to be afraid of what others would say in our class,” Citlali Hernandez, a junior, said.
The last dance performance was last year during winter. Laura Ortega, a junior, was one of the many students who performed. “I feel anxious and nervous while performing because I don’t wanna ruin the performance for anyone else, but, overall, I feel great, because it’s something I truly enjoy with a passion.” There will be an upcoming dance showcase on May 26th and May 27th although more information will be released. If you are interested in joining dance or returning, it is recommended to talk to a counselor.