Ms. Gallego’s Second Year at Maces

Heidi Lopez, Boy Sport Editor

At some point a student will feel like they have a teacher they can look up to or a teacher they can go to for support. Ms. Gallego,also known as Ms.G, is that teacher for some students.


Ms. Gallego is an English and Humanities teacher for 8th, freshmen and sophomores. She loves teaching these grades,because she thinks this is the age gap where the students can be goofy and fun in the classroom.”I think this age group really matches my level of energy and we have a great time learning together,” said Ms. G.


 Ms.G would like to teach seniors before her first class of freshman graduate. This is her second year teaching here at MACES and in general.“You can go to her for anything and she will be so supportive,” said Naomi Lopez, one of Ms.Gallego’s 8th grade humanities students.. “She is a very outgoing person,” said Sadie Chaly, who is an 8th grader. “I mean look at our campus and students! Any teacher would be lucky to have a place to work like MACES,” said Ms.G. She really enjoys being at MACES,and so far Ms. G is involved with the softball program and is also the advisor for the class of 2026.


Ms. G enjoys going to the beach,and she loves to try food from all over the world and like most of us she also loves to scroll through tiktok. Ms. G was the first person in her family to graduate and attend college. She attended college at Chapman University. There she got the opportunity to play softball, and also worked an on campus job and joined a sorority.


 She said she was able to grow so much as a human being and wouldn’t trade college for anything. Her favorite thing about being a teacher will be building relationships with her students and also seeing how they become empowered learners and her students becoming wonderful young adults. 


Her students would agree that they can go to Ms. G for support and advice and that her class is very fun but they will learn.