A night to remember

A glorious senior night for MACES wrestling, with interviews from two seniors that are in wrestling.

This season wrestling continues to overcome many challenges on the mat here, and with the support from coaches and teammates, the team continues to grow and spread its up-and-coming legacy. With the season coming to an end, senior night was an event to remember, along with a fantastic win to wrap it all up. Senior night was a great way to celebrate and to face the next challenge, CIF and Regionals!

Jacob Hernandez, is one of 12 seniors on the wrestling team and has been there for the first year when wrestling first joined MACES.”To anyone who is interested in joining wrestling next year, I would tell them to be ready to stay committed. I love EVERYTHING about wrestling except for one thing, and that is being responsible with weight. Get ready to make some sacrifices when it comes to food when you join,” Jacob Hernandez, a senior, said. This perfectly sums up Hernandez’s season when it came to weigh-ins having to lose one or two pounds before or on game days.

A fan favorite all around MACES and during wrestling senior night a senior, Marco Magana. “Senior night was a great night filled with joy. We wrestled against Diego Rivera and I was glad to see them again because they’re friendly and respectful people. What made the senior night special was having coach Lopez call us out through the microphone to give us each a heartwarming speech. There was a lot of spirit that day and we wrestled with pride,” said Magana. Lopez is a fantastic coach for MACES wrestling that inspires other wrestlers to try their best. 

To many wrestlers, coaches are a big part of it, learning new offensive and defensive moves can be a make-it-or-break-it deal. “The coaches speak to us with love and respect. Like any other relationship, communication is key so keeping in touch with them is important. I love and respect my coaches for their hard work and kindness,” said Magana. 

Coaches and teammates can be a great way to remember a season, it’s an experience that not many can get. Many are intimidated by wrestling, but, in reality, wrestling is a fun sport.