Wolfpack Softball Unites for Season

Softball team’s third game.

Gisselle Miranda, Reporter

  The softball teams had been preparing hard to start this season strong. Training alongside new members and their new coach, Ms. Gallego, has been a change for them. “It’s been great! I love her, she’s so spirited, and you can tell she loves her job. She is really making a family of our team this year,” Jimenez, a junior, said. The team has had three games so far and have only won their first one, but keep giving their full effort on the field. 


  Samantha Jimenez, the varsity softball captain, has played the sport since her freshman year. She has grown to love her team and has watched them grow into strong athletes. “We know how to communicate and keep the spirit up no matter what, we are all there to have fun, not just to win,” Jimenez, a junior, said. Indeed, from the bench, the team and coach chant loudly when players step up to the plate to bat. Motivation, spirit, and support unite this team and hold them up through their lost games. 


  “I love my team how it is right now, but I know every team always has room to improve, and I believe my team is constantly improving,” Jimenez, a junior, says. 


  While some players have been in the team for over a year, others are still learning to adjust to the game. How has the experience been for the new players? Ashley Lopez, a junior and new member to varsity softball, shares her experience, “So far, being a part of the team has been great, it’s great to see the support everyone has for each other. We try our hardest on our games but it’s also about enjoying the sport and having a bond with your teammates. I like that we give shoutouts to everyone of how they contribute to having good game, it makes us feel important to this team”


  Coach Gallego seems to be a great leader for this year’s team, cheering proudly for her athletes, she brings them spirit in every game. “She’s been phenomenal so far considering she’s never coached before, [she] makes you really enjoy the sport,” Lopez, a junior, said.