Every year, many seniors enter into panic mode as it is their last year before the big leap that many thought would never come; the transition into college. For some students, they are most likely prepared and have been planning for quite some time, keeping track of their classes, extracurricular activities, and everything that would help them in the long run for the career path. As for some, choosing a major that they are sure of is extremely difficult for them to capture and to lock in.
Although many believe that some majors are better than others and that you must choose the “best”, this simply isn’t true. Instead, students should be picking majors that coincide with their strengths and interests. “The first step should be to look at some of the hobbies you’re interested in, what are some of the things you do every day,” Mr. Guereca, the Counselor Aide, said. If needed, you’ll be able to locate him in the college center. He goes on to explain how anything can branch off to a major, like if someone were to enjoy mangas they may enjoy drawing or creating designs.
At the same time, the simple start to finding the right major for you or the right pathway is to simply start the conversation. The college center is always open to any student that is in need of help with the college process, which applies for everyone even if it may not seem like it. Many students are in their “workhorse” mode that they don’t stop to truly determine if what they are doing is what they should be doing, and starting the conversation can not only determine that but enhance every student’s college process.
Something quite common is comparing oneself to others, which is something that not only is unnecessary, but is draining for students. Some students may feel as if they are falling behind; seeing their classmates with more APs than them or seeing that they are in many more clubs. In the end though, not everyone is the same. “There is a pathway for everybody. All that matters is that you all have a pathway to your future,” Guereca said on the variety of different pathways students can follow. Not everyone will have the same pathway, as some may be on their way to becoming an engineer or someone may be on their way to be a teacher. There will be similarities in many students, but there will always be the difference that the students themselves create for their path.