September 26, 2019
In current-day society, teenagers all over the world who identify as LGBTQ+ grow up in intolerant families. Teenagers make their way out of what can sometimes be an intolerant household, to school, where in reality, opinions are even more concentrated.
The chances that a school is accepting of diverse identifications can vary by where this school is located and its beliefs. At Maywood Center for Enriched Studies, it’s Administrators and Principal have made it clear that students of all types and groups are welcome.
“We have three students right now, I can tell you that. They have told their parents, and their parents have told them that they’ll grow out of it, they’ll learn not to feel that way. Some have said, you know, if they keep thinking like that, then God’s gonna punish them… but we can provide them with the support of counseling,” said Principle Duran. He sees LGBTQ+ students just as any other student.
Their sexual preference is not a matter of concern to anybody other than those in the relationship. MACES is a school where kids can feel safe and accepted, especially if they aren’t accepted at home. It is very important to create a safe space where these LGBTQ+ students could feel validated, as they should.
A former student who will remain anonymous due to at-home safety, told the Wolfpack Times about a refreshing experience with Principal Duran. “Mr. Duran once pointed out I was safe at school, and that he’s around if I need anything or feel uncomfortable,” said Anon 1.
In reality though, it’s not only the administrators who make this colorful school a welcoming environment. Keep in mind the hundreds of students, with hundreds of separate opinions. All together, this creates a safe environment for everybody.
With acceptance from others, there should always be acceptance from yourself. “There’s only one me. I can’t change. So, people should love and support me for who I am,” said Anon 2, a separate student who remains anonymous for public safety. People are at their strongest when their personal thoughts embrace who they are, and who they strive to show to the world.
With positive opinions, come negative ones. LGBTQ+ students told the Wolfpack Times about their not-so-good experiences due to their sexual preference. “People say things, they make fun of you, So I might as well keep my sexuality hidden,” said Anon 2.
Although MACES is surrounded by amazing and open-minded students, other settings and schools do not provide this comfort. Anon 2 has experienced judgment for their bisexual identification in their personal life.
They told the Wolfpack Times about moments where they were verbally abused, but nobody ever did anything about it. This shows the issues teens may have at home, and how it is important to keep the campus a place where these LGBTQ+ students could be respected.
Truly, a person is never aware of what is going on in another’s life. Why would anybody wish to portray a hatred on somebody else, when things could already be so complicated away from school? LGBT students deal with hardships on the daily just because of who they desire to love.
A simple attraction could affect a person’s life forever in the society we live in today. Furthermore, some students are even told disgusting things because of their sexuality. Usually when the person and their significant other choose to embrace themselves publicly.
Public embrace between two girls or two boys shouldn’t be thought about twice, just as nobody thinks twice about a heterosexual couple holding hands in public. Sadly this idea is not a reality. “Teachers and students at MACES seem to be cool with me, but some individuals may make it uncomfortable. Especially when they stare and ask for sexual favors that involve my partner and I,” said Anon 1. In all honesty, anybody reading this may feel uncomfortable. It’s unimaginable to be so young, and be asked such vulgar questions by other minors. Though, there will always be separate experiences, negative and positive, a community like the one here at MACES should continue to strive for that positive and welcoming attitude for this diverse group of students.
Regardless of what a person identifies as; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, etc. It does not change who they are, or how normal they are. A sexual preference separate from heterosexual is just as normal, and will be normalized at MACES.
“Whatever it is, no one is bad, no one is damaged, no one is inferior,” said Principal Duran.