Going to school>Virtual “Learning”

Emily Mojica

Virtual Learning- Video conference for Journalism class on communication platform called zoom.

Emily Mojica, Managing Editor

Staying home all day, no school, not having to ask to use the restroom. Sounds like a dream! Well, now that it’s a reality, I realize how it’s more of a nightmare and how much I want to be in school right now. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I miss waking up in the morning, going to my first class, walking down the halls full of familiar faces, and getting that in-person communication. 


Covid-19 has caused all LAUSD schools to close until May 1. As time passes, more and more non-essential businesses begin to close and the panic among people begins to rise. 


 How are LAUSD students coping? It’s stressful, depressing, and frustrating being at home. Why? Social Distancing, breaking news and new cases of coronavirus are the only headlines I see every time I turn on my television. The coronavirus is consuming every news outlet and is what almost everyone is talking about. 


Being at home these past couple of days has left me with so much time to self-reflect. I didn’t truly appreciate how beautiful it is when students all come together to learn. I now have so much more appreciation for everything about school. When we return, I will value everyday that I am able to step onto our campus. I will value every lesson my teacher has prepared for that day and be grateful for getting to sit down and hear it in person.   


Virtual learning. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I want to major in computer science, so when I first heard about virtual learning, I was so excited. Technology and live conferences sounded like music to my ears. After a week of virtual learning, I don’t feel as hyped. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely grateful that our school has given us access to technology. Of course I can’t forget to shout out all the amazing teachers who go live and continue to post assignments, but it’s really a bummer not being in a classroom and getting to be with my classmates.


Virtual learning has left me with more work than usual and unnecessary stress. Maybe it is just all in my head or maybe it’s because Schoology, the online platform we use for our daily lessons is constantly crashing. I am just hoping we go back by May 1 because virtual learning is not the greatest. 


The coronavirus has also caused many changes to the summers of many, the suspension of standardized testing, changes to AP exams, and has led to the new term social distancing. Coronavirus has taught me not to take the little things in my everyday life for granted. I’m grateful for the crowded hallways full of familiar faces and getting to work in a classroom with my teachers. 


Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, practice social distancing, and follow @wolfpacktimes! Be there for one another and stay safe Wolfpack. 

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