Congratulations to Emily Mojica for being one of the three students elected to be in the SSC.Soccer Stars- Left to Right, Andres Gonzalez, Jorge Irapan, Edwin Meza, and Jason Rubio (MACES Boys Soccer)Mr. Duran posing with the Wolfpack Times’ mascot: Durazno. (Emily Mojica)Congratulations! Over the last week, candidates for next school year’s ASB officers have been campaigning online to win over student voters. After a second Schoology election to finalized President and Vice President positions, Emily Mojica and Leslie Quintana came out with the highest number of voters. The first thing Mojica did after receiving the news was call Quintana. Mojica said, “The work starts now, and I’m super excited to see how we can start making a positive change in our school.” (Da)
The flu can be easy to catch when not staying clean. Make sure to bring tissues and always wash your hands. (Leslie Chang)Street Caution: MACES students walking down the streets of Maywood. (Enrique Galeana)