Soccer goals and expectations for 2022-2023

Heidi Lopez, Boy Sport Editor

With soccer season starting this school year Alondra Pompa and Camila Solis have goals and expectations, especially since this is their final season playing for the Wolfpack.


  Alondra Pompa is a senior who has been on the team since freshman year. She really enjoys playing soccer, since it helps her distract herself when she is going through a hard time. 


   Pompa also enjoys being a part of the team, because it helps her create new friendships and helps her connect with the girls on the team which helps them out on the field. A main thing Pompa wants to achieve this season would be for the team to make it to playoffs and win the championships. 


  Pompa’s expectations for this season are to build even more chemistry on the field and to win as many games as they can. Pompa says that this year Marquez, Bravo and Bell are the biggest challenges for the team. Pompa’s goal for this season is to attempt to score more goals than last season. “The team’s strongest trait is the communication we have on the field,” Pompa said.


Camila Solis is a senior who has also been on the soccer team since she was in her freshman year. She likes being on the soccer team, because it’s fun for her and it helps her stay active. A main thing Solis wants to achieve this season would be to have fun and enjoy her senior year. “I hope that we are able to go far during Playoffs and be able to compete against teams that are more difficult,” Solis said.

She has learned from past seasons to just let go of the mistakes and focus on improving them rather than dwelling on those mistakes. “I think that the team is great and all we need to do is to keep practicing and prepare ourselves for future games,” Solis said. She also says that Marquez and Bell are the biggest challenges for the teams.