Students describe new school schedule as rushed

A CONTROVERSIAL NEW SCHOOL SCHEDULE- The data recorded from Wolfpack Times reporters shows that 58.3 percent are enjoying the new hybrid model schedule, and 41.7 percent of reporters have neutral feelings towards the new hybrid model schedule.
May 13, 2021
The new schedule produced for LAUSD schools’ reopening came abruptly, and it is followed with much skepticism. Some students don’t like the change.
The plan comes with plenty of flaws, including but not limited to class starting earlier, school days being longer, more advisory periods, the discomfort of some teachers not being able to be in their classrooms, and shorter class periods.
So, why are elongated days and shortened periods troublesome? Having shorter class periods gives students less time to go over the material. Teachers went from having 90-minute classes to 60 to 50. It doesn’t seem beneficial to give students less time to work. It seems like the plan wasn’t properly thought out. The main point is for students to go back to school because they are struggling. Students who need help in the science field wouldn’t receive adequate assistance from their English [homeroom] teacher. It’s illogical.
So, why continue with an imperfect plan? Giving students access to stable internet connections and a quiet place to work seems helpful, so that’s a start. On top of that students have been eager to return to school though not in this fashion. From the way things are playing out, it doesn’t feel like LAUSD had the students’ best interest at heart.
This whole situation is confusing. Because student opinions weren’t considered in this executive decision. “Rushed” is the word students used the most to describe the release of this new schedule.