Thoughts on Halloween costumes

Sherlyn Pulido

Illustration by Sherlyn Pulido

Sherlyn Pulido, News Editor

     There is nothing more exciting than deciding what to dress up as or do for Halloween. The creativity and joy sparks throughout everyone. When the awaited day finally comes, many patiently wait in their costumes, anticipating the nighttime to come in order to let the fun begin. However, due to unfortunate events, last year’s Halloween didn’t go as planned. Many are wondering whether this year will be like the last; especially when it comes to the idea of costumes and dressing up.


     Is spending time and effort in a costume this year even worth it? Many argue that it is due to the events that took place on last year’s Halloween. “I do think others should dress up this year because honestly, it feels good to just act as another person for a day, especially during this time after a very long pandemic when many losses took place…I think we owe it to ourselves to at least feel like a kid again and make up for lost time,” Cindy Soto, a sophomore, said. Soto says she plans on dressing up this year with her friend, but they’re still not sure as to what.


     However, there are some students that still aren’t sure whether to dress up or not. “I haven’t made up my mind about what I’m going to dress up as this year, but I think I’m possibly not going to,” Emily Gonzalez, a junior, said. Although Gonzalez seems to have not made up her mind yet, she encourages others to dress up and have some fun.


     There are some students that like going out for Halloween just to see the costumes other people have chosen or created. “I’m an outside person when it comes to Halloween, I love to go and see others’ costumes and just hang out with friends. Trick or treating is the best,” Fernanda Lopez, a junior and member of Band, said. They are looking forward to observing the costumes others have put on during the spooky night.


     Whether you go trick or treating or not, it’s always great to dress up just for the fun of it.