Dangerous Fentanyl Crisis

Takes Student Lives Across LA Unified


Joshua Zuniga, Online Editor In Chief

Fentanyl. The deadly drug that has taken a handful of students’ lives across  LAUSD this semester. As time passes, the drug fentanyl has taken many lives nationwide. The LA Unified Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, stated that at least six LAUSD students, including three since September 13, have been involved in the use of narcotics, “some resulting in overdose, some resulting in students being transported to a medical facility, some being immediately released to the parents.”

What about MACES? How can we, as a community and student body, stay safe from the dangers of fentanyl?

“I would love to educate students on the dangers of fentanyl and harm reduction, as well as identify what an opioid overdose looks like so students are prepared to take action. Knowledge is power, and it’s with knowledge that we could really prevent any sort of deaths,” the school nurse, Marina Adame, said. The school nurse is staying positive on the subject knowing that she can help change the outcome with Narcan, the prescription medicine used for the treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose emergency with signs of breathing problems and severe sleepiness or not being able to respond. The Narcan Nasal Spray is available in the nurse’s office.

“There is going to be a fentanyl session community meeting at City Hall. Law enforcement is going to come and share some information on the topic and the severity of the issue and solutions on how we can be proactive in making sure that nobody in our community overdoses or ends up taking drugs that they are not supposed to be using,” Herbert Marquez, the mayor of the City of Maywood, said. Not only will Narcan help, but there will also be a meeting held for information on the topic of fentanyl on December 13 at the City Hall Council Chambers in Maywood.

“You cannot even begin to comprehend the impact that the death of anybody, let alone a student, has on a community. Not only their family, but also friends, family members, community friends, peers, and the faculty. It is a tremendous loss when a life is cut short. We want to warn our students against something that is preventable,” the assistant principal, Myriam Carmona, said. The holiday season is a beautiful time to spend with friends and family, not a time for mourning. Having the resources necessary to stop future overdoses and educate the public are things that people should take advantage of.

“I don’t think there’s anyone to blame. If anything, it would be society as a whole, but blaming students individually for this; I think is a scapegoat or a weak excuse to explain something that is happening collectively [and] that responsibility lies with all of us. As a society, as families, as schools, communities and governments,” the assistant principal, Jose Meza, said. People have different thoughts about different topics, including the topic of fentanyl. Should society as a whole reflect on the idea of how easily obtainable drugs really are?

There are a lot of ways to get into drugs. Peer pressure. Students may be interested and may want to try it. Saying one word could save a life, and that word is ‘no’.