When February hits, all the talk is about Valentine's Day, it raises the topic surrounding how controversial the holiday is. Valentine's related posts are all over multiple media platforms, and some posts...
Hector Mora, Girl Sports Editor
• December 15, 2022
MACES has a total of nine functioning student restrooms in its main building, three on each floor, but only three are operational during school hours. Surveillance is the reason for only three...
Coming back to school from Thanksgiving break, many students noticed that the hallways have already been decorated with Christmas decorations. The 1st floor being candy land, 2nd floor with peppermint...
Hector Mora, Girl Sports Editor
• November 29, 2022
Graffiti can lower the average price of a house in a community but is that all the harm it causes in a community? Lately, the city of Maywood has been affected by graffiti drastically compared...
As prom gets closer, students start talking about it even more. Many students are disappointed that they’ve waited so long for their senior year and they look forward to things such as prom...
As themes are being chosen, many students do not like the fact that they have no say in the matter and others feel like the themes are bland. The select group of students that get to vote for the...
Wolfpack staff and students would like to have an expansion of more clothing at the student store at MACES. Fellow staff and students agree.
Wolfpack students need...
In the past weeks, there has been news of horrible shootings circulating social media and the world. The most recent and traumatic one was the shooting that took place in an elementary school in Texas....
What’s the first thing someone might do when they wake up? It can be brushing their teeth, making their bed, eating breakfast, or checking their social media. Many teens and adults in...
There is nothing more exciting than deciding what to dress up as or do for Halloween. The creativity and joy sparks throughout everyone. When the awaited day finally comes, many patiently wait...
Aylin Herrera, Social Media Editor
• November 2, 2021
“Are you going trick or treating this year?” This is the question everyone is asking. Halloween is approaching and people want to know if going trick or treating is safe enough. Many are wondering...
Entering Zoom class May 10, students could tell Ms. Flores wasn't in the most cheerful of moods. There was no music, no joy, nor the excitement there usually is at the start of class. However, the environment...