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The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

Ms.G’s First Year Coaching

Emily Estrada, Photography Editor May 30, 2023

Softball season has officially come to an end. Along the way, they created many great memories, overcame challenges, and learned and improved as a team. This year was Ms. Gallego’s first year coaching...

Andres Angulo, Athlete of Month

Andres Angulo, Athlete of Month

Hector Mora, Girl Sports Editor May 8, 2023

     Last month on April 25, Andres Angulo pitched a perfect game, which is the biggest in-game achievement a pitcher can receive. A perfect game in baseball is where the pitcher allows no hits, no...

Seniors and Juniors playing the annual powderpuff game

Ready, Set, Flag!

Emily Estrada, Photography Editor May 1, 2023

CIF, the California Interscholastic Federation for Sports, has recently passed the proposal to add girl's flag football as an official high school sport.  Since the recent addition, there has been...

Maywood City Park baseball field closed due to flooding, causing delays in practice and games

Wolfpack Baseball Pitches New Season

Emily Estrada, Photography Editor April 11, 2023

Baseball season has officially started for the boys at MACES, and they are eager to show off their athletic skills this season.  Since the start of the season, the Wolfpack Boys Baseball Team has only...

Softball team's third game.

Wolfpack Softball Unites for Season

Gisselle Miranda, Reporter April 10, 2023

  The softball teams had been preparing hard to start this season strong. Training alongside new members and their new coach, Ms. Gallego, has been a change for them. “It's been great! I love her, she's...

Angel Javier Jaime Ludwin ches practices his swings before starting at hole 1

First Swings Of The Season

Angel Javier Jaime, Video editor April 10, 2023

    The MACES golf team has experienced many feats, with many players starting this year as their first. From learning how to swing a pitching wedge to learning how to get out of a sand pit. Along with...

Pulido and his teammates after an unfortunate loss against Bravo High School

Athlete of the Month: Enrique Pulido

Emily Estrada, Photography Editor March 27, 2023

“Enrique is the most intellectually, inquisitive person I’ve ever met,” Coach Spolidoro of the Wolfpack Boys Soccer Team said. Enrique Pulido is a senior and captain of the Wolfpack Varsity Boys...

Girl basketball photostory

Girl basketball photostory

Heidi Lopez, Boy sports editor February 16, 2023

Powder Puff Smackdown 

Powder Puff Smackdown 

Eliana Perez, Opinion Editor February 16, 2023

Powder Puff was invented in the 1970’s, in Wallingford, Connecticut. It was originally created to incorporate more girls into athletic activities. It is a much friendlier version of football because...

Cheer Springs into Action

Cheer Springs into Action

Gisselle Miranda, Reporter February 14, 2023

       While competitive cheer is done with going to support MACES basketball and wrestling teams on their games, they have not yet competed. The team is still practicing their difficult routines,...

A night to remember

A night to remember

Angel Javier Jaime, Video Editor February 14, 2023

This season wrestling continues to overcome many challenges on the mat here, and with the support from coaches and teammates, the team continues to grow and spread its up-and-coming legacy. With the season...

Juniors vs. Staff Volleyball Game

Gisselle Miranda, Reporter December 15, 2022

  The Juniors vs. Staff Volleyball game on December 9th was an entertaining event to raise money for the class of 2024. Taking place in the gym, students were loud on the bleachers while cheering on their...

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