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The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

HIT! At the CIF League Cheer Championships on March 17, 2022, the MACES Cheer team performed a pyramid. The competition was held in Bell High School. “It felt like it was just the team and the mat, I was focused on the performance more than the crowd and it just felt amazing to actually show what we had been practicing for.” Destiny Morales (middle flier) a sophomore on the cheer team says.

CIF League Championship Cheer Event

Camila Solis, Online Editor April 7, 2022

The CIF League Championship Cheer Event took place at Bell High School on March 17. With a total of nine schools in attendance, this was a highly competitive event. This was the first competition in three...

Yonatzin Zarate, a junior who is the assistant news editor for the Wolfpack Times, practices for the SAT.

SAT to go Digital

Amy Chan, Business Manager March 17, 2022

During the past years SAT has been taken in various schools. The exam has been taken the old fashioned way: paper and pencil. In modern times, everything seems to be going digital and so will the SAT....

Was it a smart move for Netflix to have increased their prices ?

Aime Haros, Social Media Editor March 15, 2022

Netflix is and has been the top streaming device. It has been the population's favorite since it first came out in 1997. It has also made big changes and influenced the TV industry. It has kept the number...

Students are on the walk of fame after watching Hamilton, the Broadway show.

APUSH Sees Hamilton at the Pantages

Alexandra Cabrales, Girl’s Sports Editor February 24, 2022

On February 9, Mr. Bautista’s AP US History students were given the opportunity to go see the popular Broadway play Hamilton at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood. According to Next Tv, approximately...

ADVICE FROM COUNSELOR - The deadlines for many scholarships are approaching, and Ms. Ostos takes advantage to inform students about the application process. “The scholarship process is extensive. It requires students to be diligent considering that scholarship applications components vary. Some scholarship applications are quick and simple, while other scholarships require personal essays, letters of recommendation, and interviews. Students should carefully analyze scholarship application descriptions and processes in order to submit a completed application by the deadline,” Ostos said.

Students rush for scholarship offers

Sherlyn Pulido, News Editor December 15, 2021

Senior year is an overwhelming year for students considering the fact that college applications, challenging classes, finals, and extracurricular activities take up a lot of time and must be fulfilled...

A WORD FROM THE COLLEGE CENTER - Since the beginning of August, UC and CSU applications have been open for students to apply. The deadline is approaching, and the College Center is notifying everyone that is applying to take advantage of the time now. “The college center will be hosting an "I Applied to College" event on November 12th after school in an effort to encourage student to complete and submit before the November 30th deadline. We are constantly posting on the MaCES college center IG and Schoology with new and updated information regarding additional resources and scholarships. The college ambassadors are checking in with their peers every Monday during homeroom,” Ostos said.

Halfway Through the UC Application Process

David Lopez Jr., Editor in Chief November 3, 2021

From August 1 to November 30, seniors planning to attend a UC are filling out and completing their UC applications. Over two months in, seniors are in different stages of the process. Since the UC application...

As the City of Bell aims to sell two major mobile home parks and displace hundreds of families, the mobile home residents fight back with organization, demonstration, meeting with council members, and even going as far as to create their own certified non-profit organization, known as the New Dawn of Bell Home Owner Association, in hopes that they could purchase the property themselves. As new developments begin to pop up, for example, Border X Brewery and Tesla charging stations which are located on Pine and Gage in the City of Bell, residents should begin to worry that their low-income and predominantly Hispanic neighborhood may soon be taken over by a new crowd. “...Los que vivimos aquí en las mobile homes...nos están discriminado, porque? Porque somos familias de bajo recursos. Aquí la mayoría somos hispanos, por eso, yo creo, [Those who live here in the mobile homes… they are discriminating us, why? Because we are low-income families. The majority of residents here are Hispanic, that's why,] said Merli Albizurez, Vice President of the New Dawn of Bell Home Owner Association. (Alejandra A. Martinez)

El Pueblo Primero: City of Bell residents pressure money-hungry council members to keep their homes

Kate De La Torre, Broadcast Editor June 8, 2021

Over the course of many years, low-income cities in California have experienced rent increases due to new developments brought in by city council members and developers. It’s been witnessed in Boyle...

JUSTICE FOR ISAIAS CERVANTES, DEFUND THE COPS - After non-stop police brutality cases in the United States, Maywood and Cudahy community members experience a case closer than expected  after Isaias Cervantes, a 25-year-old man with Autism was shot by Los Angeles sheriffs in his own home. Tragedies like the one the Cervantes family experienced due to police intervention not only show that cops are incapable of properly handling mental health situations, but that they should also be defunded in order to invest in proper mental health resources for cities all over the United States. “...Historically, the sheriff uses brute force and they don't have the sensitivity or the training to interact with anyone who has anyone who has a sort of mental health [issue]. I don't think they know how to de-escalate any situation, I think they just escalate,” said Juliana Lacoste, a freelance photographer and activist based in Los Angeles county.

Wake up Maywood: The Police is not equipped to serve mental-health related calls

Kate De La Torre, Broadcast Editor June 7, 2021

When dialing 911, a person normally expects to receive help from a “well” trained officer. However, police support is not too visible when it comes to mental-illness-related calls in black and brown...

Universal Studios: Class of 2021

Universal Studios: Class of 2021

Daniela Olmedo, Editor in Chief of Content May 28, 2021

Through social media, students have heard the news about an upcoming opportunity to attend Universals Studios Hollywood during the months of May and June for $75.  The ongoing pandemic has made an...

STUDENT VACCINATIONS- Many students who have gotten vaccinated highly recommend for others to do so as well. “It's better to get vaccinated now because with a simple vaccine you are saving so many lives, including your own.” Kate De La Torre, a senior, said.

Vaccinated Students Try to Put a Stop to the Pandemic

Kiana Tapia, Editorial Editor May 7, 2021

The concern of many parents today is how each individual person will react to the vaccine. With two vaccines available to the public, students are now eligible to get vaccinated.  Parents are worried...

SPRING BREAK CODING CAMP- The MACES Computer Science Honor Society hosted its Inaugural Computer Science Camp during spring break. “Many students wished the camp was longer than 1 hour and 30 minutes and said that they would definitely come back the following year,” Alanis Cruz, a sophomore and president of CSHS, said.

MaCES Computer Science Honor Society Launches Inaugural CS Camp

Emily Mojica, Managing Editor May 5, 2021

Maywood Center for Enriched Studies’s Computer Science Honor Society (CSHS) hosted over 30 students during its inaugural Spring Coding Camp. Students in grades 6-12 spent their spring break learning...

After over a year of distance-learning, Maywood Center for Enriched Studies offers students the opportunity to participate in hybrid-learning. For the first week back on campus, students and staff adapted to a new schedule, routine, and safety protocols. Photo by Melissa Ponce

Photojournalism: A look inside school’s first week of reopening

Melissa Ponce, Editor in Chief of Design May 1, 2021

Assistant Principal Mr.Meza checks the temperature of freshman Juliary Chavelas on March 27. All students are required to get their temperature checked prior to entering the school. Those with temperatures...

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