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The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

A high school football game with one of the teams being MACES, which is taking place on a Friday night in Downtown Los Angeles.

Phrases only some sports understand

Mohamad Saleh, Reporter March 24, 2021

Phrases only some sports understand In sports, there are certain phrases only some people will understand. Those who play basketball are unlikely to know what some phrases mean in football because they...

THE RETURN OF SPORTS- CIF and LAUSD have approved the return of high school sports. Mr.Gomez, MACES Athletic Director, explains how sports practices will be conducted and gives insight to some frequently asked questions.

Return of Sports Q&A with MACES Athletic Director Mr.Gomez

Melissa Ponce, Editor in Chief of Design March 9, 2021

Q: What sports will be allowed to return for practice this semester? A: “All teams are eligible to practice on Monday [March 8]. You[students] need to speak to the coach or email the coach for questions...

SUPER BOWL XLIII- The Super bowl this year has some different circumstances because of the pandemic, not as many parties, gatherings, and more. This year it is mostly celebrating the day with family.

Super Bowl Not So Party

Mohamad Saleh, Reporter February 12, 2021

  The Super bowl is one of the most known events in the United States, this event is very important to Americans, hot dogs, hamburgers, wings, pizza, BBQ, etc. Family, friends, and neighbors all...

A COMPLICATED DIRECTION - It has been almost a year since the last high school athletic events took place, and the future for the return of sports seems complicated.  “School districts, charter school organizations, and individual schools have the final say if they will permit sports with no students on campus…,¨ CIF Director, Dick Dornan, said.

School District has Final say on the Future of Athletics

Gabriel Dominguez, Sports Editor December 18, 2020

      Nine months since the last high school athletic events took place, there is still lots of confusion on the current status of high school sports. All team practices and events are currently postponed...

FRIDAY NIGHTS LIGHTS OUT- On a typical Friday night, the football field would be illuminated. However, it has been seven months without any sports and over a year since the last Wolfpack home football game.

City Section Sports will not Resume in December

Gabriel Dominguez, Sports Editor November 2, 2020

       LAUSD announced Friday that high school sports in the CIF Los Angeles City section will not begin as scheduled. District Superintendent Austin Beutner told personnel at a meeting Friday that...

A post from the Dodgers on the night of their championship win. The Dodgers worked hard to make it to their 7th title after so many unsuccessful years.

Los Angeles Dodgers Win Championship After 32 Year Drought

David Lopez Jr., Reporter October 30, 2020

On the evening of October 27, despite the pandemic and COVID going on in the world right now, the Dodgers won their 7th title. The last time they won a title was in 1988, which was their 6th World Series...

Lakers star foward Anthony Davis holds 
larry o´brien trophey 

                                (via Anthony Davis´s instagram @antdavis23)

What the Lakers’ Championship Meant To the Wolfpack Family

David Lopez Jr. and Gabriel Dominguez October 28, 2020

          After 10 years, the Los Angeles Lakers are NBA champions. It is the franchise’s 17th championship and is most definitely one of the most unique titles in history. The season already had...

CONTACT SPORTS POSTPONED- The empty MACES blacktop courts, amidst sports being postponed due to pandemic. This situation has caused unrest among many of the student athletes. “....I wholeheartedly want sports to return this year because these sports are an escape for a lot of people from the real world ....” Kevin Galvan, senior varsity football player, said.

High school contact sports postponed amidst corona virus pandemic – athletes speak up

Leslie Quintana, Social Media Editor October 9, 2020

Friday night lights, the sweaty jerseys, the loud crowds, the buzzing stadiums all postponed until further notice due to COVID-19. When will contact sports return? A pending question...with no answer....

A GOAT IN THE BUBBLE- In his 17th year in the league LeBron James has been one of the most impactful players for his team.

Ballin’ in the Bubble

Bruno Bustamante, Online Editor October 8, 2020

For NBA fans, one of the worst days of the year was March 11. This was the day the NBA season came to an abrupt pause due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Well, until July, at least…. Since March, NBA commissioner,...

The esports crowd from Dreamhack Masters Malmö 2017

With Sports Delayed, Esports Rise

Enrique Galeana, A&E Editor June 4, 2020

 With traditional sports being set aside the internet has taken priority in the peoples' entertainment; with this comes a boost to sports entertainment’s “little” brother, esports.  What’s...

The Wolfpack football team hudles together in their season opener against Hawkins High..

Spring sports canceled, fall sports now in jeopordy

Gabriel Dominguez, Sports Editor June 1, 2020

       As the winter sports season culminated, hopeful baseball, track and field, volleyball, golf, and softball players prepared for a brand new season. With hopes and dreams it would be the best...

The Top Five Video Games to Play During COVID-19

The Top Five Video Games to Play During COVID-19

Bruno Bustamante, Online Editor May 27, 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak for most students took away all opportunities to hang out with friends during after school hours. But with the outbreak came new opportunities for a platform that declines when students...

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