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The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

Although the pandemic has forced the switched to online learning, students who want to prepare for college can access resources online.

College help at the touch of a button

Melissa Ponce, Features Editor June 4, 2020

  From application deadlines to financial aid forms, the college application can be a very confusing time and with the switch to online learning, some juniors may find this experience even more...

The College Board, a multimillion-dollar “not-for-profit” organization geared toward connecting students to college success, has recently been sued with a $500 million federal court lawsuit for gross negligence. Over the past few months, the College Board has been met with an immense amount of backlash for administering online AP exams that most claim were not up to par with an international standard. “I do believe that they could’ve waited more time and made sure that their system was working properly,” Elizabeth Arroyo, a sophomore, said.

Dear College Board

Daniella Hernandez, Editor in Chief of Design June 3, 2020

According to CPR News, on May 19, a $500 million federal court lawsuit was filed against the College Board on an alleged account of gross negligence, misrepresentation, and violation of the Americans with...

The Beauty of Ramadan

Mohamad Saleh, Reporter May 28, 2020

The Beauty of Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is one of the most religious ones, this year it took place from April 23 - May 23. Ramadan is a holy month that consists...

The effects of cyber bullying go beyond the the person that is targeted.

Dear Cyberbullies

Emily Mojica, Managing Editor May 21, 2020

Read a book, learn to cook, even download Tik Tok if you are that bored. But please don’t use your free time and energy to bring someone else down. Don’t make these times harder than they already are....

The class of 2020 is left to expect an online graduation amid COVID-19 concerns

Glitchy Graduation

Melissa Crist, Editor in Chief of Content May 19, 2020

Your name is called and you walk across the stage in excitement with a high school diploma in hand, the cheers from your friends and family ring in your ears. This is the end of high school and the beginning...

Future leaders in the making! Paloma Hernandez, a first-generation college 
student, continues to face the challenges that many low-income students experience throughout their course to success. Over the Spring of 2020, Hernandez graduated from Stanford University with a Master’s degree in Earth Systems and Policy.  “I'm obviously very proud of her, and she worked really hard for it. I hope, in the future, she is happy with what she’s doing” Maria Hernandez, Paloma’s mother, said.

Overcoming Adversity

Daniella Hernandez, Editor in Chief of Design May 12, 2020

First-generation college students share their stories Being a first-generation college student is notorious for being one of the hardest high school challenges that most low-income students face. The...

Big Sur, One of the many great places to visit during spring break

Spring break locations to visit in the future

Gustavo Morales, Online Editor April 4, 2020

One thing many teenagers and young adults look forward to is their vacation time. One of the most exciting breaks that is given is spring break. It is often a highlight for many to go out and see the different,...

Virtual Learning- Video conference for Journalism class on communication platform called zoom.

Going to school>Virtual “Learning”

Emily Mojica, Managing Editor April 3, 2020

Staying home all day, no school, not having to ask to use the restroom. Sounds like a dream! Well, now that it’s a reality, I realize how it’s more of a nightmare and how much I want to be in school...

Opening up-Mental health is extremely important and asking for help does not make you selfish, keeping it hidden is one of the worst things a person can do

As mental health becomes more prevalent, Excused Absences Extend Beyond Physical Sickness

Enrique Galeana, Arts & Entertainment Editor April 2, 2020

On the first of July, 2019, Oregon passed a law that enables students to take “mental health days” off from school. Under this law, students would have five excused absences in the span of three months...

Carola Martinez- President of the MACES Girls Who Code Club

The Essence of Girls Who Code

Steven Hernandez, Reporter April 2, 2020

The essence of a leader doesn’t come from power or gender, but from the relationship and communication they build with their team. It also comes from the experience one gains from obstacles they have...

Are Tests Important?

Are Tests Important?

Steven Hernandez, Reporter February 14, 2020

Everyone has taken a test before in their life. It doesn’t matter when or where, but test are used for everyday life. Where the testing really matters, however, is in high school, since that's where...

Crushing Hard: anonymous MACES student's snapchat conversation with love interest.

Romance Reformation

Destiny Juarez, Grammar Editor February 13, 2020

Swipe left, right, up, down. In this new dating age, your prospective partner is fingertips away even while across seas. Technology has redefined courtship for teenagers, and they’ve been plopped in...

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