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The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

The Student-Run News Site of MACES Magnet

Wolfpack Times

Vandalism Sucks

Kelly Avila, Opinion Editor December 18, 2019

No one likes to be punished for something someone else did. People who vandalize the school are the reason why policies are created and negatively affect all students. With recent vandalism occurring in...


Kiana Tapia, Reporter December 18, 2019

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA. A topic the majority of people are speaking upon, due to the shift in presidential power. DACA is a government program that protects eligible immigrants who...

Students Complain About Unfair Deadlines

Students Complain About Unfair Deadlines

Leslie Chang, Reporter December 18, 2019

Many teachers assign work to be completed within a certain deadline, but many times they fail to grade these assignments in a timely manner.  Students have become bothered by this and believe it is unfair....

GO GUARDIAN- A new program used on school computers has caused mix emotions. Some students believe Go Guardian is a useful monitoring tool, while others feel it is an invasion of privacy.

Go Guardian is watching you

Melissa Ponce, Features Editor December 17, 2019

Starting this school year, the program Go Guardian was installed on every student’s Chromebook. The use of the program has stirred feelings of both reassurance and uneasiness among students and staff.   Go...

Uniform Policy: A Controversial Debate

Johnathan Cordero, Sports Editor November 6, 2019

Why is there a strict uniform and sweatshirt policy that the students of MACES have to follow? Was it the school’s choice to enforce this policy or did the law of California have a say in this matter?...

College Athletes Getting Paid?

Jose Quinones, Reporter November 6, 2019

Debt. This is a familiar term to these ‘Student-Athletes’. “They get paid to play,” some might say. However, this is just not the truth. Many of these athletes feel as if most of these big-name...

The Unknown Objects In the Sky

The Unknown Objects In the Sky

Luis Tapias, Reporter October 31, 2019

Outer space. People tend to forget that the earth is floating in an immense amount of nothingness, but is there really nothing out there? Many disagree, and use the evidence of UFO sightings as a way to...

Costume Restrictions

Costume Restrictions

Melissa Crist, Editor In Chief of Content October 31, 2019

Witches, werewolves, and scarecrows galore! With Halloween fast approaching, many  students are in preparation to show off their scary selves at school with their ghouling costumes.  Although dressing...

MACES Host’s Successful Movie Night

MACES Host’s Successful Movie Night

Steven Hernandez, Reporter October 31, 2019

October is the month of scares. People go out to watch horror movies and enjoy the spooky holiday month. Most of the young adults enjoy the horror franchises so much that MACES hosted their first-ever...

The problems of a long lunch line

The problems of a long lunch line

Gustavo Morales, Online Editor October 30, 2019

Long lunch lines in schools are not uncommon as many kids eat the food that the school provides for them. It is a problem that should be acknowledged by schools. Many students often encounter long lines...

Teachers vs Cellphones

Teachers vs Cellphones

Kiana Tapia, Reporter October 30, 2019

A tool given to some tiny humans at the starting age of two. A tool that the tiny human grows up with, and learns how to live through the screen for the continuation of their lives. “What is your personal...

Basketball may be the best sport at MACES

Basketball may be the best sport at MACES

Mohamad Saleh, Reporter September 28, 2019

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in high schools around the country. This sport consists of five players from each team on the court at the same time. There are four quarters with eight minutes...

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