In current-day society, teenagers all over the world who identify as LGBTQ+ grow up in intolerant families. Teenagers make their way out of what can sometimes be an intolerant household, to school, where...
Students stressing in school is not uncommon. It is a problem today that should be acknowledged. A student stressing because of school is often a detrimental path that can result in other problems that...
For many students at MACES, college is just around the corner. But with the countless challenges that come with becoming a college student, students are divided with feelings of uncertainty and excitement.
School spirit? Never heard of her. Most people, whether they be students or teachers, believe that the spirit in school is pitiful, but everyone has different theories as to why.
“Give me...
Many students at MACES believe the sweater policy is ridiculous. Students are not allowed to wear any other colored sweater than navy blue, green, black and gray without being sent to the Parent...